Island Deodorant FAQ - Why have probiotics in deodorant?
All deodorants are hand poured, with love of course!
If you are not happy with your purchase, or the deodorant doesn't work for you, please let me know.
Frequently Asked Questions - Island Deodorant FAQ
We have a new look for our plastic deodorants, but it's the exact same formula - no changes have been made!
Payments Payments are accepted via Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay & Paypal.
Shipping Shipping is explained in more detail here.
(Because shipping isn't actually free, refunds for reasons that are not a result of our error may have the actual cost of what we paid for shipping deducted from the refund amount)
Money Back Guarantee on single Deodorants ONLY If you don't like the deodorant, or it doesn't work for you, or if you ever develop a sensitivity to it, please contact us for a refund. Because our deodorants last a long time, there is no time limit to this offer. Please note, in order to keep prices as low as possible for repeat buyers we are not able to offer a money back guarantee on 2, 4, 6 or 10 pack purchase (this is also noted on the multi pack purchase page).
All other products DO NOT have a try it and like it money back guarantee
Returns and Refunds Deodorants, lip balms, body creams, perfumes, salt scrubs & oils are not returnable. Since they are personal use products we are unable accept returns. You are welcome to contact us about your situation if you would like us to consider making an exception.

What makes your deodorant different? Want to learn more? Check out our Why Choose Island Deodorant page for all the details!
Why won’t my deodorant twist up? Make sure to remove the inner cap before twisting up the deodorant! The inner cap can create resistance if left on, leading to damage. If your deodorant feels firm, especially in colder weather, let it warm to room temperature before using it. This helps the wax/oil formula soften slightly, making it easier to twist.
Why is my deodorant firmer and harder to apply or twist up in colder weather? Our deodorants are crafted with a wax/oil base that naturally responds to temperature changes. In colder climates or during winter months, the formula may become firmer, making it harder to twist up or apply. To soften the deodorant, allow it to sit at room temperature for a few hours before use. For even application, gently warm the deodorant against your skin for a few seconds before applying.
We are listed with the FDA Product Formulation FDA cosmetic product ingredient statement # 1117474
Are your products 'certified USDA organic'? No, in order for a product to be USDA organic certified it must contain at least 95% organic ingredients. Some of our products contain an ingredient or two that are not organic (for example candelilla wax is wild crafted and not available organic). We do use mostly organic ingredients, and we do fully disclose the organic ingredients in our ingredients lists! As far as other certifications go they tend to be financially prohibitive for small businesses.
Does this block wetness? Is it an antiperspirant? Our deodorant is not an antiperspirant, you will still sweat when using this. Here is some more info on deodorant vs. antiperspirant if you are interested and if you read through our reviews here and here,some of them mention their experience with wetness and our deodorant.
In what ways are you eco-friendly? We offer zero waste organic deodorant bars, and cream deodorant refills in either your container or a compostable bag. We also offer deodorants in containers that are compostable. These products ship in a 100% recycled, padded envelope that is recyclable, compostable and biodegradable too!
We also our cream deodorant in a glass jar.
Our plastic twist up containers are made from 100% post consumer recycled plastic, and our cream jars are polypropylene plastic #5 and recyclable. (And while we'd prefer not to use plastic at all, we understand that a lot of people that are just starting to transition into natural products find it easier to make the switch when the new product looks like what they are used to. We trust that over time people will chose plastic less and less.)
It costs more than what I have been paying for conventional deodorant - how long does a stick last? A stick will last one person 2-4 months, depending on how much is applied. Most people only need a thin swipe or two for all day protection (these are the people who get more like 4 months out of a stick), which is less than most people apply when using conventional deodorant, so ours will generally last you longer. If you love it consider buying our 10 pack to lower the cost!
What is the shelf life? I want to stock up to save money! We say 2+ years, but when they are kept in a climate controlled environment they really don't expire - which is why we don't put an expiration date on them. In fact, I have one in my car that is 9+ years old now that still works, and that's sitting outside in the Florida heat. When you buy directly from us, you always get the freshest stock that has stored at room temperature.
Why are you prices on Amazon, so much higher than your website? With all the fees we pay to sell on Amazon, and have them ship from their warehouses, our cost to sell on there ends up being 25% higher than selling on our website, so our prices are higher to help absorb that cost.
Are your deodorants safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding? Yes, absolutely! Be sure to try our deodorant for breastfeeding, and while you are pregnanct. In fact a lot of our customers give it a try for those very seasons in life and then keep using it as their kids get older.
Do you make a deodorant for kids? Lots of kids use our Original Deodorant. Some as young as 4. Our deodorant is ideal for your child's first deodorant. Since it is completely natural, you can start them off on it, and you'll never have to worry about toxins from conventional anti-perspirants.
Are your deodorants cruelty-free? I test it on myself first, and then willing friends and family, no animals ever!
I am new to natural deodorant. What can I expect? If you recently switched from conventional antiperspirant, please know that your armpits might need some time to detox before any natural deodorant will work well. This detox process is different for everyone, but understand that you might experience extreme stinky-ness, staining or other things while you transition.
Will it stain my clothes? It is made with oil and butter based ingredients, which could stain your clothes. We have not experienced this with our clothes (we use only use a swipe or two for all day odor protection), but it certainly is possible. I wouldn't take a chance on expensive tops! How well does your laundry detergent normally handle grease stains?
What's wrong with the aluminum in Crystal Deodorants? It's natural, so why isn't it okay? One natural health Dr. says "Even though aluminum is widely distributed in the earth’s crust, it is NOT needed in ANY amounts in your body. All evidence to date points to aluminum as a poison that serves no beneficial role in your body and should be avoided." Quote taken from this article. And here's another one from the Organic Consumer's Association
I know you don't add fragrance, but is it scented at all? Our deodorant smells very faintly of the natural ingredients in it, which is not unpleasant to most people. Although most people won't mind it, some might. If you don't like the smell, I would be happy to send you a cream deodorant that you can easily mix your favorite essential oil into to mask the smell, just let me know!
I have a red patch in my armpit that is/isn't painful, is this from the deodorant? Unfortunately you are probably reacting to something in the deodorant (most likely the baking soda). Quit using the deodorant for a few days and allow the redness to clear up. If you feel comfortable with it, you could try it again if you want to be sure it's the deodorant. I am happy to refund you if you think your skin is sensitive to baking soda. I also have a baking soda free deodorant for sensitive skin that I'd be happy to send you as a replacement, instead of a refund. Just let me know!
What is the difference between all your deodorants Do you have a baking soda free deodorant? All our deodorants are completely natural and non-toxic, we just offer a few different options to meet different budgets and needs. Probiotic Deodorant Stick uses organic ingredients, with the exception of the candelilla wax, which is wild crafted (not farmed with pesticides, but gathered in the wild where it grows naturally). Probiotic Deodorant Cream is a cream deodorant that is applied with your fingers. It uses organic ingredients, includes shea butter, has no wax, and includes probiotics. It is also a great one to add your favorite essential oil to. Baking Soda Free Deodorant for Sensitive Skin does not contain baking soda. It's unique blend of odor fighting ingredients is ideal for anyone who is sensitive to baking soda. It does contain non-nano zinc oxide which leaves a white residue on the skin (think sunscreen). The whiteness can be greatly reduced by rubbing it in thoroughly, but it's not entirely clear like our other deodorants are, so for that reason our other deodorants are more ideal for most people.
How do you know your organic cornstarch is really GMO-free since so much of corn is contaminated? We only use organic cornstarch from Austria. Austria is a GMO-free region, which you can learn more about here.
What does "wild crafted" means in regards to your Candelilla Wax? Candelilla Wax is gathered in the wild (wild crafted), where it grows naturally. It was not farmed where pesticides would either be used or not (providing an organic option).
My cream deodorant/lotion/body cream feels grainy or has balls in it. Why? If your cream is grainy/has little balls of shea butter, don’t worry, that’s just something shea butter can do when it’s exposed to a temperature change (which can happen in shipping). It’s totally fine to use as is, just rub it in your hands to warm it up and the little balls will melt away. If you would prefer a smooth texture to your deodorant or moisturizer (and who wouldn’t?!) you can gently remelt it, stir it up well, and put it in the fridge to cool quickly. It’s an annoying thing that shea butter does, but it’s so very wonderful for your skin that we just had to use it.
Why have probiotics in deodorant? According to WebMD “Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health” and “They can lower the amount of "bad" bacteria” and “They can help balance your "good" and "bad" bacteria to keep your body working like it should”. Some kinds of probiotics have to been kept in the refrigerator or they’ll die. We use shelf stable probiotics in our deodorant, so there is no need to keep our probiotic deodorant in the fridge.
Are your probiotics vegan? Yes! All of our deodorants are now made with only vegan probiotics, grown on a non-animal, non-dairy growth medium. The strain we use is Bacillus Coagulans. It does not need to be refrigerated, and is very stable at room temperature - it was even tested at 210 degrees and lost less than 5% of bacterial count! And we never, ever get it anywhere close to that hot in manufacturing.
Why is my deodorant sticky? Or mushy? Or gritty? The consistency is different based on the temperature. Coconut oil has a low melting point, so deodorants will soften in warm temperatures and harden in cooler temperatures, this is normal. If it seems mushy upon application try keeping it somewhere cooler, if it seems sticky upon application hold it against your skin for a few moments to warm it up and consider keeping it somewhere a little warmer. Baking soda is gritty. When the deodorant is warmer/creamier you don't notice it, but when the deodorant is cooler/harder you do. If keeping it in a different spot doesn't work for you, please let me know and I can send you the cream version which contains no wax (but does have to be applied with your fingers).
I love your deodorant! Do you sell anything else? We do! We sell a fabulous lip balm, a body cream, sea salt scrub for hands, face and hair oils, and essential oil perfumes. All things that we have personally been using for years. They are made with the highest quality, unrefined and natural ingredients, so you get the best skin care results.
What is the difference between essential oils, absolutes and CO2's in your perfume? Essential oils, the plant material is steamed with water which causes the plant to release it's essential oil. Absolutes, the plant material is combined with a solvent that is use to draw the oil out of the plant, and then the solvent and oil are separated. All of the absolutes we use were made with a hexane-free solvent, and have no solvent residuals. CO2, the plant material is combined with a pressurized into a liquid CO2 (carbon dioxide gas) that acts as a solvent to draw the oil out of the plant. Then when the CO2 returns to it's gas state there is none of the solvent behind, just the oil from the plant.
Are your essential oil perfumes safe to use while breastfeeding? Most essential oils are safe for the mother to use topically while breastfeeding, and our perfume is diluted 20%. ICEA (International Childbirth Education Association) has information on their website about using essential oils while breastfeeding, as well as essential oils to avoid (and we don't use any on that list!). We do disclose every single essential oil and absolute used in our perfumes, so you can also research them one by one if you'd like to.
Do you have any other favorite products you recommend? We LOVE Lucky Teeth Toothpaste, especially their organic charcoal toothpaste - the taste is so clean and refreshing and the formula really cleans and whitens our teeth.